Sunday, February 7, 2016



20052016 . y blah blah blah

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Marc and Angel Hack Life [ as I edited with respect ]

1.  The average human life is relatively short.
We know deep down that life is short, and that death will happen to all of us eventually, and yet we are infinitely surprised when it happens to someone we know.  It’s like walking up a flight of stairs with a distracted mind, and misjudging the final step.  You expected there to be one more stair than there is, and so you find yourself off balance for a moment, before your mind shifts back to the present moment and how the world really is.
LIVE your life TODAY!  Don’t ignore death, but don’t be afraid of it either.  Be afraid of a life you never lived because you were too afraid to take action.  Death is not the greatest loss in life.  The greatest loss is what dies inside you while you’re still alive.  Be bold.  Be courageous.  Be scared to death, and then take the next step anyway.
2.  You will only ever live the life you create for yourself.
Your life is yours alone.  Others can try to persuade you, but they can’t decide for you.  They can walk with you, but not in your shoes.  So make sure the path you decide to walk aligns with your own intuition and desires, and don’t be scared to switch paths or pave a new one when it makes sense.
Remember, it’s always better to be at the bottom of the ladder you want to climb than the top of the one you don’t.  Be productive and patient.  And realize that patience is not about waiting, but the ability to keep a good attitude while working hard for what you believe in.  This is your life, and it is made up entirely of your choices.  May your actions speak louder than your words.  May your life preach louder than your lips.  Even if you have no idea where you’re going to land, be brave enough to step up to the edge of the unknown, and listen to your heart. 
3.  Being busy does NOT mean being productive.
Busyness isn’t a virtue, nor is it something to respect.  Though we all have seasons of crazy schedules, very few of us have a legitimate need to be busy ALL the time.  We simply don’t know how to live within our means, prioritize properly, and say no when we should.
Being busy rarely equates to productivity these days.  Just take a quick look around.  Busy people outnumber productive people by a wide margin.  Busy people are rushing all over the place, and running late half of the time.  They’re heading to work, conferences, meetings, social engagements, etc.  They barely have enough free time for family get-togethers and they rarely get enough sleep.  Yet, emails are shooting out of their smart phones like machine gun bullets, and their day planners are jammed to the brim with obligations.  Their busy schedule gives them an elevated sense of importance.  But it’s all an illusion.  They’re like hamsters running on a wheel.
Though being busy can make us feel more alive than anything else for a moment, the sensation is not sustainable long term.  We will inevitably, whether tomorrow or on our deathbed, come to " wish " that we spent less time in the buzz of busyness and more time actually living a purposeful life.
4.  Some kind of failure always occurs before success.
Most mistakes are unavoidable.  Learn to forgive yourself.  It’s not a problem to make them.  It’s only a problem if you never learn from them.
If you’re too afraid of failure, you can’t possibly do what needs to be done to be successful.  The solution to this problem is making friends with failure.  You want to know the difference between a master and a beginner?  The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried.  Behind every great piece of art is a thousand failed attempts to make it, but these attempts are simply never shown to us. Just because it’s not happening now, doesn’t mean it never will.  Sometimes things have to go very wrong before they can be right.  
5.  Thinking and doing are two very different things.
You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.  Knowledge is basically useless without action.   Ask yourself what’s really important and then have the courage to build your life around your answer.
And remember, if you wait until you feel 100% ready to begin, you’ll likely be waiting the rest of your life.
6.  You don’t have to wait for an apology to forgive.
Life gets much easier when you learn to accept all the apologies you never got.  The key is to be thankful for every experience – positive or negative.  It’s taking a step back and saying, “Thank you for the lesson.”  It’s realizing that grudges from the past are a perfect waste of today’s happiness, and that holding one is like letting unwanted company live rent free in your head.
7.  Some people are simply the wrong match for you.
You will only ever be as great as the people you surround yourself with, so be brave enough to let go of those who keep bringing you down.  You shouldn’t force connections with people who constantly make you feel less than amazing.
If someone makes you feel uncomfortable and insecure every time you’re with them, for whatever reason, they’re probably not close friend material.  If they make you feel like you can’t be yourself, or if they make you “less than” in any way, don’t pursue a connection with them.  If you feel emotionally drained after hanging out with them or get a small hit of anxiety when you are reminded of them, listen to your intuition.  There are so many “right people” for you, who energize you and inspire you to be your best self.  It makes no sense to force it with people who are the wrong match for you.
8.  It’s not other people’s job to love you; it’s yours.
It’s important to be nice to others, but it’s even more important to be nice to yourself.  You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. 
Today, let someone love you just the way you are – as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as incomplete as you think you are.  Yes, let someone love you despite all of this, and let that someone be YOU.  
9.  What you own is not who YOU are.
Stuff really is just stuff, and it has absolutely no bearing on who you are as a person.  Most of us can make do with much less than we think we need.  That’s a valuable reminder, especially in a hugely consumer-driven culture that focuses more on material things than meaningful connections and experiences.
You have to create your own culture.  Don’t watch TV, don’t read every fashion magazine, and don’t consume too much of the evening news.  Find the strength to fill your time with meaningful experiences.  The space and time you are occupying at this very moment is LIFE, and if you’re worrying about Kim Kardashian or Lebron James or some other famous face, then you are disempowered.  You’re giving your life away to marketing and media trickery, which is created by big companies to ultimately motivate you to want to dress a certain way, look a certain way, and be a certain way.  This is tragic, this kind of thinking.  It’s all just Hollywood brainwashing.  What is real is YOU and your friends and your family, your loves, your highs, your hopes, your plans, your fears, etc.
Too often we’re told that we’re not important, we’re just peripheral to what is.  “Get a degree, get a job, get a car, get a house, and keep on getting.”  And it’s sad, because someday you’ll wake up and realize you’ve been tricked.  And all you’ll want then is to reclaim your mind by getting it out of the hands of the brainwashers who want to turn you into a drone that buys everything that isn’t needed to impress everyone that isn’t important.
10.  Everything changes, every second.
Embrace change and realize it happens for a reason.  It won’t always be obvious at first, but in the end it will be worth it.
What you have today may become what you had by tomorrow.  You never know.  Things change, often spontaneously.  People and circumstances come and go.  Life doesn’t stop for anybody.  It moves rapidly and rushes from calm to chaos in a matter of seconds, and happens like this to people every day.  It’s likely happening to someone nearby right now.
Sometimes the shortest split second in time changes the direction of our lives.  A seemingly innocuous decision rattles our whole world like a meteorite striking Earth.  Entire lives have been swiveled and flipped upside down, for better or worse, on the strength of an unpredictable event.  And these events are always happening.
However good or bad a situation is now, it will change.  That’s the one thing you can count on.  So when life is good, enjoy it.  Don’t go looking for something better every second.  Happiness never comes to those who don’t appreciate what they have while they have it.

and i 'll finish with something that i [ this is me , iamme ] 've been in love with , since i was a kid , really , a kid :

                                          D E S I D E R A T A 
Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul. 
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

parar de soñar

parar de soñar cuando uno deja de ser niño , estoy seguro es la razon numero 1 por la que este mundo esta para atras 

Thursday, December 29, 2011

perception of reality

i don't try to find solutions for my problems just because i try to accept what is happening . I use perception of reality as a way of a solution , if it is there , i accept it , it will naturally shape itself with the pass of time 


Friday, November 11, 2011

Monday, November 7, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011

oldy with a heart

modern world . the fucked up one

g l a s t o n b u r y

mmm . . . you know away from the celebrity media circus on the other side of the valley, the OTHER glastonbury happened.
the one you aren't reading much about, the one they couldn't hang.
the fun, chilled out and insane one.
the one that couldn't give a flying toss who you are really. the one we went for.
the one around the stone circle, and under the flags. in the rabbit hole. in the darkest depths of shangri-la.
around the van de graff lightning generator crackling through in soaking sky,
and in a crashed aeroplane fuselage where we and our friends were.. nigel and i Djing.. until dawn [ someone @ glastonbury 11' days back ] .


Si por algun maravilloso motivo universal
Si por alguna bendicion alucinojena
Si por algun aborto al secreto de los mares
Si por las notas celestiales de algun concierto de
Si por la gracia de un angel perdido
Si por la negligencia de un niño escondido
Si por recojer una rosa que de un sentimiento haya caido
Si por encender las llamas alguna vez de un paraiso

Si por alguna caridad milagrosa puedo
sentir tus palabras
besar tus labios
tomar tus manos entre mis manos
hacer que el amor golpee nuestras puertas y
lo atendamos
lo invitemos a pasar
se quede con nosotros
un tiempo
           un siglo
                 o toda una eternidad

yo comenzaria a creer un poco en este mundo.


Podras caminar alrededor del tiempo
si te lo propones y no te dejas abatir en las
mas oscuras circunstancias, 
aun cuando ya no das mas, 
aun cuando llegas a odiarte a ti mismo;
si te lo propones, 
si logras un espacio donde volar
sin pensar en aquello que te hunde, 
podras burlar tu caida y 
sobrellevar el tiempo a tu antojo.

Pero debes pensar en algo, 
en alguien o
en una tuya ilusion;
debes comprender tu delirio, 
apoyarte en tu mas fuerte deseo, 
aunque este tan lejos que tiendas a olvidar que existe;
burla esas distancias.

Salta a un abismo rebasado de nuevos y temerosos
quizas misterios,
a lo desconocido, 
a lo increible;
huye de la realidad del mundo de hoy 
que solo quiere arruinarte;
huye de los lugares de este espacio en que todos estamos,
a otra dimension, otro sentido, otra vida oculta.

Penetra en los espejos,
en laberintos de la Via Lactea;
conoce una a una las estrellas y 
cada cometa de humo extraño;
suelta tus alas esas que escondidas estan
desde hace tanto tiempo;
ya no pienses en nadie,
intenta olvidar,
olvidarlo todo por unos instantes;
borra de tu mente los recuerdos de este mundo;
escapa a tus deseos, a los mas fuertes.

Despues de todo tienes derecho a elegir otro pasado,
porque el pasado que tuviste puedes cambiarlo,
no tiene porque ser eterno;
si te das cuenta que no fue bueno arrepientete,
no te ciegues a una nueva vida,
puedes burlar tu caida.

Escapa consciente y asi se abrira
la nueva puerta de tu destino.

sombras de miami

Pare el auto. Dije – basta -  por un rato. La bahia se abria ante mi, - como recordar el nacimiento bienamado -, como la nostalgia se abre al olvido, como el viento arrastra atrevido… Se abria ante mi.
De pronto las luces eran distintas, susurraban a mi oido el recordar de las distancias, las dimensiones creadas por el hombre. Y maldeci por estar lejos.
Siempre he amado las palabras, venero odioso el sentimiento, rindo culto al pensamiento. Por eso estoy aqui, aparte de una venganza personal contra lo comun del recorrido.
Tendran que conocerme poco a poco. Y de a poco tambien me ire; asi que entiendan de que hablo, a ver si entre todos por un rato podemos movilizar a este mundo, que se esta asentando demasiado.
Pero no lo olviden, les dire adios en un instante, decir adios se ha transformado en parte de mi vida.
Que paso? Porque estamos empecinados en seguir destruyendolo todo?
Porque peleamos? Porque nos robamos, nos castigamos, nos engañamos? Llegue a la conclusion que el que engaña esta trizte, el que necesita engañar es un perdedor, porque no esta conforme consigo mismo.
Que es todo esto? Yo solo queria decirles – hola -, queria decirles que no por estar aqui me deje ganar, queria decirles que solo me canse y busque modificarlo todo, hasta el lugar; y que 
he crecido mucho,  y  lo  logre  abriendole  la  puerta – para siempre – al niño que pense habia sido. 

Y me rio de los pobres de corazon que nunca recuerdan que estan vivos. Y me rio de todos aquellos que no se sientan, a veces, por un rato, a mirar la bahia y dejar volar un poco las 
palabras, a soñar despiertos con la caida de las estrellas.

Y las estrellas se reflejaron en el mar, y la bahia se ilumino.

Encendi mi auto.

Y segui.

my spanish poetry book .


Sombras de Miami
Puertos que regresar
Un nuevo mundo
Una esperanza que te ayudara
Dibujos del Corazon
Noches de ensueño
Estrellas. Tango
Diario del que no esta
Tristezas eternas
Desarrollo del concepto poesia
Poesia desenfrenada
Sin retorno
Teatro del dolor
Volver a verte
El cordon instantaneo de la locura
Déjà vu
El Legajo
Egoismo tonto
Despues de todo…
Nunca mas
Balances fluviales

M 8 3

Atomic roads, nuclear sunrise
They left me all alone
Falling stars exploding on the sea
God,  it's beautiful

The land and the roses slowly disappeared
Why am I so alone?
A wounded angel is smiling at me
God,  it's so beautiful.


i am me . hello .

i am me

not much to explain . no reasons . no goals . just sharing .